Deneb Militiaman Sculpt
With Sul gone, and the city in the grip of forces the Militia have failed to control, many have given up. Some however still strive to protect the values of the city they call home. In doing so, they must be willing to forge alliances with whomever they think might further their cause. Learn more about the model here.
Wyrm Fury Sculpt
It is said that when the first dragons warred during the ancient times it was due to a curse put upon them by the first witch. When they finally died in battle, their bodies wasted away. Where there should have been the rotting flesh of a once great heart, instead stood a pulsating red crystal, emanating unbridled fury. Learn more about the model here.
Nautilus Crystal Sculpt
Shimmering blue, looming and smelling strongly of briny sea and salty breeze. An inauspicious offering from the great sleeping one, sent forth from the sunken city. Seen by many as exactly what the world needed to keep the magic of the Tower in check, but others have warned other to beware any gift from the abyssal depths. Learn more about the model here.
Tempest Crystal Sculpt
Once held in the vaults of the La’Certa Royalty, a gift to the founders of the line in eons past. This bright yellow crystalline structure, all spikes and shards like an organic growth, large enough to be used as a throne at one point. Learn all about this model here.
Black Oak Crystal Sculpt
Naturally crystallised from the sap of the great Black Oak, that lies at the heart of the Pallas Forest. Eight foot tall, a dark, almost black green gemstone held in place by a thick growth of gnarled tree trunks and heavy vines. Learn all about this model here.
Ordo Draco Faction - Zweihänder Sculpt!
Only the largest and strongest of the Ordo Draco recruits ever master the great two-handed swords required to join the most aggressive Ordo Draco infantry; the Zweihanders. Learn all about this model here. They are a member of the Ordo Draco faction.
Tabletop Simulator Mod!
For those of you who like to use Tabletop Simulator to play tabletop games online, there is now an official Deneb Mod for it! Includes standees or sculpts for every model, all the rules, tokens and references you need. Also a scripted list-builder and scenario setup. Get it here.
Ordo Draco Faction - Komtur Sculpt!
A new Ordo Draco sculpt! A Komtur standing atop a battlement and directing a Dragon rider on her strike team. One Komtur will be included in the faction set. These experienced knights lead from the front. They are a member of the Ordo Draco faction. Check out her sculpt and learn more about her here.
Ordo Draco Sculpt - Schilten
With all the starter set sculpts completed for the Coven, Tower and Shadow, we now just have the Ordo Draco to go. We get started with the Schilten. Two Schilten will be included in the faction set.
The first position most Ordo Draco knight serves is the elite armoured infantry of the Schilten, fighting with bastard sword and kite shield. They use both tools for offence and defence.
Deneb is a tactical miniatures game set in a unique fantasy world. Explore this site to learn about the world and the rules!