Just got back from Stockport where we were guests of the Gotham to Samaria event at Element Games. We could not have hoped for more gracious or friendly hosts through 3 days of all-day miniature gaming.
If you haven't heard of them Gotham to Samaria is a wonderful friendly social group for wargamers and well worth checking out. They have a number of meet-up events throughout the year and I can personally vouch for just how much fun they are.
Element Games Northwest Gaming Centre is a fantastic location, combing an incredibly well-stocked hobby shop, bar and great gaming space.
A lot of demos of Deneb were given, and as always we got a lot of great and useful feedback to help move the game forward. With so much time and such focus on a smaller group than at something like the UK Games Expo, people were able to try multiple scenarios, different factions and models. Allowing people to really explore Deneb a bit more widely than the usual demo games. I am hoping to attend more focussed events like this during the year. I think it helps people get to know Deneb a lot better, and for us to get more involved feedback on the game. It is wonderful to hear so many people are interested in owning their own copy of Deneb and please keep an eye on the newsletter so that when we can make that possible, we will let you know how!
Steven and Connor, two wonderful members of the Gotham to Samaria community, can be seen below deep in tactical thought! Connor did eventually get the upper-hand in this game, but Steven exacted some vengeance on me in a later game with his Coven Grimalkin managing to take down my Ordo Draco Blitz Dragon!